Returns information

Returns information

We understand that sometimes things go differently than planned. At trackilive we want to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. Therefore, we offer a hassle-free returns policy.

30 Day Free Returns: You have 30 days to return an item free of charge if you are not completely satisfied. No matter the reason - we accept returns without questions. Your trust is important to us and we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.

This is how the return works:

  1. Simply log in to your trackilive account.
  2. Go to Your Orders and select the item you would like to return.
  3. Click on "Register return" and follow the simple steps.
  4. Pack the item securely and ship it to the address provided.

Once your return has been received: We will check the item's condition. Once everything is in order, we will refund the full purchase price or exchange the item, depending on your preference. You will receive a notification about the status of your return.

Important things to note:

  • Make sure the item is in unused condition and includes all original packaging and tags.
  • Please submit the return within 30 days of receiving the goods.

Questions about returns? We're here to help: If you have any further questions about returns or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly customer support team. We are here for you and are happy to help.